Tuesday, September 27, 2011

180 Creative Ideas

I downloaded an e-book from the library called 180 Creative Ideas. It's meant to get students motivated and excited about learning.
It starts in the month of August and moves to every month after. Each month has activities and facts about that month. I started in the month of Sept. and we first learned about the Autumn Equinox(Sept. 22/23). We are keeping a log about the changes in the weather and watching for signs that Fall is approaching. (squirrels burying nuts, our pets coat getting thicker etc.) We went over Hemispheres and equators.
Then we read about Lewis and Clark (Sept. 23, 1806) I downloaded a video from the library called Lewis and Clark Go West. Very kid friendly. We are learning how to read maps right now and this video did a great job on tracking their journey. It was funny that my kids didn't realize that Lewis and Clark were their last names.
The next thing we are going to learn about are butterflies. I'm looking into building a butterfly habitat for outside. Should be fun to observe. :)
Anyway, there is a ton of info in the book and it even gives titles of other books to go with the small study they give. Check it out! :)

1 comment:

  1. That books sounds great! I checked my local library, but they don't have it. Poo. That might be a really fun one to go ahead an purchase and use next year!
